Sunday, September 20, 2009

Why I Want to Teach

I haven't always wanted to teach, and I actually never even wanted to because both of my parents were teachers. My whole perspective changed on becoming a teacher during my junior year of highschool. I had to transfer schools because of a situation at the school my parents were teaching at and we eventually transfered two weeks late. Because of that I got a late placement in the Intro to Education program this school had.

Most of the time the student in that program grades papers for a teacher, but I had to tutor an autistic 3rd grader who needed help with reading. Heis name was Ben, and at first he was really shy, but eventually we hit off. He was a very bright kid, but he lacked motivation. Everyday I would tutor him for an hour in reading and spelling, and I fell in love with it! I was only supposed to do it for a semester, but I did it for two years instead.

After that I knew I wanted to teach. I loved every minute of working with Ben and I love working with other students as well. It's rewarding for me and for the students when they grasp concepts and understand things and gain knowledge. That is why I want to teach.

1 comment:

  1. Ian, I love your enthusiasm for teaching. It is awesome that you have a strong personal experience which inspires you to teach. I look forward to getting to know you better throughout this semester. Your blog looks good - I like the dots :)
