Monday, October 26, 2009

Learning Style Reflection

Based on the results of both of the surveys I am a very visual and active learner, which I find to be true for the most part. The reason why I agree for the most part is because I love to learn through experience and being shown what to do, but I have been in a system that has taught the opposite way for so long. In the schools that I went to growing up all of the creativity of learning was taken out in third grade. In fifth and sixth grade the active and hands on learning was more of a factor, but then throughout junior high and high school it was mostly a lecture style system, so I feel that I can learn in the opposite situation that my results portray. In my everyday life I would definitely agree that the results given are true to me. I love sports so being and active kinesthetic and even visual learner definitely helps there and is probably where I developed those learning styles.
In my teaching I feel that my teaching style will be more directed to hands on learning and group based activities that get the whole class involved and probably moving around. As a teacher though, I need to recognize that this will not fit every students learning style. Therefore I must adapt my teaching to provide some sequential, logical, and linguistic learning styles this way I fulfill the needs of all the students learning styles.

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