Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Screencast: How to find the Grotenhuis Dance Videos!

This is a screencast video I created with Jing, but I wasn't able to get the sound to work. It demonstrates how to access some dance videos that my brothers and I made. This would be extremely useful in the classroom to show parents how to access online grades for their children, showing a student how to use or find an online tool, or many other things.

Because there is no sound these are the instructions detailed in the video:
1. Open your internet browser (I use internet explorer in this video)
2. Go to www.youtube.com
3. Search the name "Ian Grotenhuis"
4. The first two videos should be our dance videos.

Google Docs Power Point

This is a power point presentation that I made using Google Documents. This presentation lives on the web so I can access it whenever I want from any computer as long as there is internet access. This could be useful in the classroom because I can create it from home and have students access it from their computers or I can access it from a school computer. Another cool feature is that I can embed the presentation (just as I did for this blog post!).

Monday, November 16, 2009

Graphic Organizer: Michigan's Automotive Industry

I chose to use a brainstorming style graphic organizer. I would use this graphic organizer to ask students the important historical inquiry questions that can be used while writing a research paper. The example topic is "Michigan's Automobile Industry" and then I would ask each of the historical inquiry questions. Then I give the students hints, or more questions to help stimulate research. Teachers could also add another level of "brainstorm bubbles" that could be colored differently and this would allow for student response.
This example follows these Grade Level Content Expectations:
H3 History of Michigan (Beyond Statehood)
4 – H3.0.1 - Use historical inquiry questions to investigate the development of Michigan’s major economic activities (agriculture, mining, manufacturing, lumbering, tourism, technology, and research) from statehood to present. (C, E)
What happened?
When did it happen?
Who was involved?
How and why did it happen?
How does it relate to other events or issues in the past, in the present, or in the future?
What is its significance?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Timeline Rubric

In order to effectively assess my students it is vital for them to know what they will be assessed on. The timeline rubric is an example of an effective way to assess students on an assignment while helping them to understand what is required of them. Not only does it help the student, but it is a simple and easy way for the teacher to quickly and effectively assess a student’s project, not just with timelines but with other projects and assignments as well. Using this in my classroom would help me to be more efficient and my students to have a better understanding on what is required.

Pre-course History Survey

Using this survey I would be able to see where my students are coming from and how they view history and its importance. By knowing this I can better relate my material to my students and therefore create meaning with my students. If I can get the students to interact with the material and have a desire to relate to it then it will make learning so much better.

How To: Find The Grotenhuis Dance Videos


The sound wasn't working (although I didn't say much).So the instructions are as follows:
1. Open your web browser (I'm using eplorer even though it isn't the best)
2. Go to www.youtube.com
3. On youtube search for "Ian Grotenhuis"
4. Click on the first video and enjoy!

Learning Style Reflection

Based on the results of both of the surveys I am a very visual and active learner, which I find to be true for the most part. The reason why I agree for the most part is because I love to learn through experience and being shown what to do, but I have been in a system that has taught the opposite way for so long. In the schools that I went to growing up all of the creativity of learning was taken out in third grade. In fifth and sixth grade the active and hands on learning was more of a factor, but then throughout junior high and high school it was mostly a lecture style system, so I feel that I can learn in the opposite situation that my results portray. In my everyday life I would definitely agree that the results given are true to me. I love sports so being and active kinesthetic and even visual learner definitely helps there and is probably where I developed those learning styles.
In my teaching I feel that my teaching style will be more directed to hands on learning and group based activities that get the whole class involved and probably moving around. As a teacher though, I need to recognize that this will not fit every students learning style. Therefore I must adapt my teaching to provide some sequential, logical, and linguistic learning styles this way I fulfill the needs of all the students learning styles.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Why I Want to Teach

I haven't always wanted to teach, and I actually never even wanted to because both of my parents were teachers. My whole perspective changed on becoming a teacher during my junior year of highschool. I had to transfer schools because of a situation at the school my parents were teaching at and we eventually transfered two weeks late. Because of that I got a late placement in the Intro to Education program this school had.

Most of the time the student in that program grades papers for a teacher, but I had to tutor an autistic 3rd grader who needed help with reading. Heis name was Ben, and at first he was really shy, but eventually we hit off. He was a very bright kid, but he lacked motivation. Everyday I would tutor him for an hour in reading and spelling, and I fell in love with it! I was only supposed to do it for a semester, but I did it for two years instead.

After that I knew I wanted to teach. I loved every minute of working with Ben and I love working with other students as well. It's rewarding for me and for the students when they grasp concepts and understand things and gain knowledge. That is why I want to teach.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I made a blog!